Rival Tennis Ladder
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Flexible Schedule, Competitive Play

Play tennis any day, any time, at any court with local players on your level.
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6,500+ players joined
Rival Tennis Ladder
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Arranging Quality Tennis Matches Should Be Easier

Does this sound familiar?
You have free time but can't find anyone to play.
Your friends are either too strong or too weak to have a good match.
You found an opponent but can't find a time that fits your schedule.
You joined a league but find it difficult to use its outdated website or app.

Built for Players, by Players

Hi there! We're Andrew and Igor, the duo behind Rival Tennis Ladder.
Like you, we've faced the challenge of finding nearby players on our skill level. Over the years, we tried different leagues, but we found they had high costs, low participation, or outdated tools. So, we created Rival Tennis Ladder — a modern and flexible platform that connects players like us, people who love tennis.
Together, we've played over 2,000 matches on the ladder, gathered 500+ pieces of feedback, and talked with countless players. With this experience, we are building a better tennis community that prioritizes what players truly want. Join us in shaping a better future for tennis!

Why Choose Rival Tennis Ladder

Ultimate Flexibility
Play on your terms with no fixed schedules. Propose matches when you want, where you want, and as often as you want.
Fair Competition
Find matches on your skill level. Our advanced rating algorithm adjusts your level after each match, creating a balanced playing field for everyone.
Engaging Experience
Enjoy tennis using a dynamic and modern app featuring statistics, built-in weather forecasts, and achievements to encourage your growth.

What's a Tennis Ladder?

A tennis ladder is a league where players of similar skill levels match up to play on a seasonal basis.
Ladder players coordinate matches on their own time and at locations of their choosing, with no obligation to play each week.
Players move up the ladder by participating in matches, while players who don't participate move down the ladder.

How It Works


Propose a Match

Proposals are the primary way to start matches in Rival Tennis Ladder. Propose a match at a time and place you want to play, and anyone on your ladder can accept.

Accept a Proposal

Alternatively, you can accept proposals from other players. See a proposal matching your availability? Accept it, and meet the player for the match on that date.

Report the Match

Play the match, and report the result. Gain points, move up the ladder, and qualify for the Final Tournament at the end of the season!


Created in North Carolina and available now in the following cities:


Payments apply to each season (10 weeks).
per season
per season
* Except for Raleigh


4 Seasons

Spring, Summer,
Fall, and Winter


Men and Women
Singles and Doubles


Propose matches for any court at any time


Top players compete in a final tournament

Modern Interface

Navigate through the sleek and responsive interface to view your stats and interact with other ladder players.

Cool Avatars

Express yourself by creating your own avatar that displays your personality and style through hairstyles, headbands, and more!

Player Statistics

From rivalries and matches to tournament performance, you can find all your personal stats on your profile.
Ladders created
Players registered
Matches played

Mobile Ready

Whether you use iPhone, Android, or another smartphone, Rival Tennis Ladder works smoothly on any platform.


Reach the Finals of your level's end-of-season tournament to win a gift card and trophy.

Match Statistics

Use the SwingVision app on your Apple Watch and upload the statistics to your ladder for everyone to see.


Collect badges and earn credit for winning matches, completing match-based challenges, reaching new stages of the tournament, and many more activities. There are over 100 badges for you to achieve!

What Our Players Say

Jason Scimeca
Raleigh, Men's 3.0
Love the site, very well designed and functionality is on point, nice job!
Brian Hill
Raleigh, Men's 4.5
Just when I thought the tennis ladder system was awesome, you kicked it up a notch. Excellent work you guys!
Clint Abbey
Raleigh, Men's 4.0
The upgrades to the website continues to enhance the usability and the enjoyment of simply checking out the latest results. The Ladder is a huge factor in my weekly enjoyment of activities.
Uday Parikh
Cary, Men's 4.0
I wanted to convey my personal thanks, gratitude and congratulations to you for the elegant organization of this ladder tournament. I enjoyed every bit of it, made so many new friends.
Geoff Knight
Raleigh, Men's 4.0
You have really set the standard for ladder software! Clean UI and super easy to use. It makes it easy to find new matches and get out on the court!
Brian Edlin
Raleigh, Men's 4.0
It's awesome! It's easy to use, intuitive, efficient, and organized. I especially love the avatars too - those are my favorite!
Arun Prakash
Cary, Men's 3.0
This is a fantastic platform. Just want to appreciate the creators for this beautiful website. I am loving this platform which helped me play competitive games and it brought back my love to tennis.
Ashok Patra
Charlotte, Men's 4.0
By far this is best site where you can live your passion to play Tennis. I have joined many sites to play in different states, but this is the best. Thank you, Rival Tennis.
Karen Johnston
Cary, Women's 3.0
Have to say I am LOVING the addition of the weather to the app and especially the proposals.
Glen Setliff
Cary, Men's 3.5
This is the best resource available for singles players.

Light or Dark

Choose the color scheme that matches your preference.

Weather Forecast

Check the 10-day weather forecast for the most valuable metrics for tennis players.

Tennis Ladder Rating (TLR)

Use our proprietary Tennis Ladder Rating, or TLR, system to track your season-to-season progress on your local ladder.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Rival Tennis Ladder?

Rival Tennis Ladder brings flexible, skill-based tennis competition to local players using an innovative application.

What is a tennis ladder?

A tennis ladder is a program where players are divided into separate levels, also known as ladders, based on skill. Ladder players coordinate and schedule their own matches, so there is no obligation to play more or less than you want. As players participate, they gain points, which moves them up the ladder. Players who win matches get more points, moving them up the ladder (or rankings) more quickly. Players who do not participate will remain on lower rungs of the ladder. Your position on the ladder each week will determine how many points you get per match, with lower-ranked players receiving more points for defeating players in higher positions.

How does Rival Tennis Ladder work?

Playing tennis on Rival Tennis Ladder is easy! Simply join the ladder that best aligns with your level, then start sending proposals for the day, time, and place you want to play. Play your matches, earn points, and qualify for the Fianl Tournament at the end of the season.

How much does Rival Tennis Ladder cost?

Rival Tennis Ladder only costs $35 per Singles ladder ($30 before the season begins) or $25 per Doubles ladder ($20 before the season begins) for 10 weeks of tennis. The first season is also free for all new players.

Why join Rival Tennis Ladder instead of other leagues?

While other leagues have rigid schedules, misaligned matchmaking, and outdated websites, Rival Tennis Ladder is a flexible and modern solution to tennis participation that aims to foster skill-based competition. With Rival Tennis Ladder, you can get matches quickly, see your progress clearly, and be part of a thriving community of players.

Does Rival Tennis Ladder have tournaments?

After the last week of the regular season, the Top Singles players participate in a single-elimination tournament. This Final Tournament occurs over two weeks, with the victor being crowned on Sunday (pending any inclement weather). In Doubles, the Top Doubles players participate in a three-round Round Robin tournament, where the player with the most games out of 24 (8 games per round) wins the tournament.

Are there any prizes in Rival Tennis Ladder?

First-place winners of the Rival Tennis Ladder final tournament receive a $50 gift card and an engraved Champion trophy. Second-place finalists receive a $25 gift card and an engraved Runner-Up trophy.

How do seasons work in Rival Tennis Ladder?

Rival Tennis Ladder seasons are 10-week seasons that align with the seasons of the year: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Each season has a three-week break in between the start of a new ladder. Points are reset each season, giving players a chance to start anew.

What is Tennis Ladder Rating (TLR)?

TLR is a dynamic NTRP number assigned to each player to assess skill level on a per-match basis. With this rating, players can track their progress, compare their level to other local players, and find better matchups for their rating.

Can anyone play on Rival Tennis Ladder?

Anyone over the age of 18 can play on their local Rival Tennis Ladder.

Where is Rival Tennis Ladder available?

Rival Tennis Ladder is currently available in the following cities: Atlanta, Austin, Cary-Durham, Charlotte, and Raleigh! Want Rival Tennis Ladder in your city? Reach out to us and let us know!